Print neatly on the right paper – great guide

Although we are moving towards an increasingly digital society, paper is still one of the largest consumables of companies.

But choosing the right variety is not always the easiest, the range is huge and there are many factors to consider. Here is the guide you need.

Print on the right paper

We start at the office’s paper store. How paper is stored is important. A cardboard paper usually contains bundles of 500 sheets to protect the contents, and best of all, is to open a bundle at a time. The paper feels good to lie in its bundles and keep it cool. However, if you have a large paper tray and high paper consumption, you can order an express box containing 2,500 loose sheets.

To print in color

Whiter paper is not always better. It depends on what kind of colors you should use. High whiteness paper fits well for strong and clear colors while it can have bright colors to look matte. If you write in color, it is best to use white paper. If you want to use colored paper, it is best to print in black and white, otherwise there is a risk of poor color rendering when the printer color matches the paper color.

ColorLok technology is a method, commonly used in cheap brochure printing as it can save the printing cost, in which the paper for inkjet printers is processed so that the inks do not sink as deeply into the paper fibers and stick better to the surface. This makes the colors appear sharper, clearer and stronger. The drying time is also shortened. The paper “locks” the pigment on the surface. Also recycled paper looks better because the ColorLok technology leads to printing on recycled paper with a stronger, clearer appearance. The fact that the pigments are on the paper surface also simplifies recycling, which is a big plus.

Paper weight selection

The thickness of the paper depends on the application area of ​​the print. The weight of a paper is given in grams per square meter. A regular paper to be used for everyday printing and copying in laser or inkjet printers usually has a weight of 80 grams. In order to find out which surface weight on the paper one needs, one must take into account several different factors. Partly what sense and appearance one aspires to, but also quality and opacity, that is, how porous the paper is, plays a role. A low opacity gives a more transparent paper while a high opacity gives a less transparent paper.

Which paper suits you?

Still hard to choose? Here is our complete paper guide!

Luxury paper

A lime-containing paper is a paper that consists of at least 25 percent cotton fiber. The paper has a high wear resistance and a fabric-like feel. Such papers are used for letters and correspondence when looking for a high quality and feeling.

File-resistant paper

Needed when you want to print documents that according to Swedish law require a long storage period, such as documentation from the judicial system, church, administrative authorities and more. This type of paper is also suitable for diplomas, grades and as exclusive stationery.

Environmentally friendly paper

If your company has a high environmental profile, ecolabelled paper is a key issue. Today, there is recycled paper that has a high whiteness but is nevertheless environmentally declared and totally chlorine-free.

For color printing

Here it is important to have a paper that does not have too high opacity so that the colors are absorbed too much in the paper. For color printing, a slightly higher basis weight may be needed to reproduce sharp lines and contours. Depending on the area of ​​use, for example a presentation or a brochure, different types of paper may be preferred.

Hopefully this information can help!

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