If you find your business in need of emergency funds, you may be considering applying for a personal cash advance to cover sudden expenses and keep the business afloat. While this is certainly an option, it’s important to remember the facts...
As all developers know by now, the fast times we live in force them to come up with quality work in the shortest time possible. Businesses have grown accustomed to a rapid pace that needs software to be developed and marketed...
Voice of customer data is a research based system intended to enable you to find what customers think about your business, product, or service. Abbie Griffin first utilized the term itself and John R. Hauser in a 1993 MIT Marketing Science...
Startups are meant to be fluid and agile, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to have workflows and a structure. Many startups make the mistake of being too agile and neglecting the essentials (like a good set of workflows or...
Email marketing is an often overlooked yet highly powerful form of brand promotion and lead conditioning that can be used to build huge contact lists and followings quickly. In essence, email marketing is a lot like the old-school predecessor to social...
A combination of the words ‘development’ and ‘operations’, DevOps is an IT practice that is aimed towards shortening system delivery life cycles and increasing a company’s speed in delivering superior-quality projects. It adds to a company’s ability to efficiently serve the...
Development and operations are definitely synergized in today’s digital era. Collaboration and automation have taken priority among DevOps professionals with businesses ensuring their DevOps teams have the tools and processes to be efficient and successful. “The intention of DevOps is to...
Abakion Go is the best method to get started all by yourself to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. So you can do it yourself by following the user guide. The self-instruction guide saves you from the expensive fees charged...
Having a promising start-up idea is not enough to build a successful business. It’s great to have such, but you must have the necessary skills to nurture it to success. And like buying an essay, even if you hire the best...
Have you noticed your friends talking in awe of Alexa or Siri? Of course, you know these are not new friends, but in fact, smart devices that seem to make their lives a lot easier. The introduction of smart technology has...