Getting Familiar With the Cloud and Your Business Future
In the last ten years or so, there has been a massive migration toward cloud computing. It used to be that you had to buy huge hard drives and spend a lot of time and money, making sure that the computers and storage space inside your business were absolutely secure and useful. Now, it’s all about keeping your most important data off-site and accessible to anyone with an Internet connection.
Understanding the cloud means understanding your business’s future. That’s why you have to approach this progress as practically as possible. Recognize the importance of workload protection in the cloud. Know the differences behind styles of encryption.
Recognize that you have options when it comes to the cloud, there are plenty of competitive services out there for you to choose from. And, depending on the level of professionalism that you need, many cloud services are even free.
Workload Protection
The cloud isn’t invincible, though. You have to recognize the importance of workload protection in some instances. If you have an enterprise style company, there is a lot of data flying back and forth. If the amount of data exceeds the capacity of the cloud server to handle it, you can run into some pretty severe security issues quite quickly.
Working with a cloud company that will explain workload protection to you is a good step in the right direction.
On the idea of security in the cloud, there are different types of encryption that companies can use. Remember, if someone gets your password to look through your data, your encryption isn’t going to matter. However, if someone is hacking from the outside, knowing that your data in the cloud is encrypted can mean that sensitive information isn’t in a form that hackers can utilize to their advantage.
Especially when you hear the phrase “military-grade encryption,” you can rest assured that a cloud company is taking your security seriously.
Competitive Services
When it comes to choosing a cloud service, there are many different competing companies that you can work with. Especially in the last few years, the processing cost of cloud-based work has gone down, which means that competitors can reduce prices to a point where it’s silly not to sign up to be in the cloud. A
t some point, the style of customer service and user interface will be part of the evaluation process of a cloud service as well.
Free Versions
Not so much for business reasons, but for personal purposes, there are plenty of available free cloud services. Or, if not completely free, at least they come included with many basic accounts that you might have.
For example, Apple has a cloud service that synchronizes all of its products together. And if you use email, Gmail has a built-in cloud service where you can store tons of files that you can access remotely.